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Thursday 11/1/2018


500 m row or 400 m run


CS/Dynamic stretch

B warmup

2 rounds of:

80’ waiters walk, switch arm at 40’ (heavy KB)

40’ bear crawl

40’ crab walk

20 SDHP, same KB

20 V ups

Workout Warmup:

10 min Alternating EMOM

5+ Strict Pullups

25 DU’s

Workout and Endurance

Every 3min for 18min

6 Ring Dips

9 OH lunges 20/12 kg kb. (total)

12 Strict presses w/KB 20/12kg (6 each arm)

15 Wall Balls at 20/14

18 DU’s

Lift and Skill: make up a lift and skill you missed this week

Earlier Event: October 31
Wednesday 10/31/2018
Later Event: November 2
Friday 11/2/2018