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Thursday 6/28/2018


500 m row or 400m run


CS/Dynamic stretch

B warmup:

50 partner pullovers

400 m run

Workout warmup:

10 min alternating EMOM

5-10 strict reverse grip pullups

5-10 strict Dips, if you cant do strict unassisted, do 10 perfect push ups.


Three minute AMRAPx3
5 Burpee pullups
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
15 Wall balls
Rest 3 minutes, and repeat for three rounds. Start 2nd and 3rd rounds where you left off. 


400 meter run buy in, then:

Three minute AMRAPx4
5 Strict Pull-Ups (any grip)
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
15 Wall balls
Rest 3 minutes, and repeat for 4 rounds rounds. Start 2nd  3rd and fourth rounds where you left off. 

400 m run cash out

Lift and Skill:

make up a lift and skill you missed this week

Earlier Event: June 27
Wednesday 6/27/2018