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Thursday 2/28/2019


500 m row or 400 m run


CS/Dynamic stretch

B warmup:

50 partner pullovers

500 m row or 400 m run

Workout Warmup:

9 Min EMOM

10 KB Thrusters

2-4 KB Turkish get-ups

12 KB Snatches, 6 each arm

Workout and Endurance:

AMRAP 20 Minutes

6 Ring rows with elevated feet on bench. Open and In-house competition RX athletes do Chest To Bar or Strict Pull Ups,

9 Burpees

12 Box Jumps, jump if you can.

Lift and Skill:

Pick a lift and skill you need to work on.

Open athletes please work on T2B and HSPU

Earlier Event: February 27
Wednesday 2/27/2019