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Monday 7/10/2017

Tom and Tomi


500 m row or 400 m run


Dynamic stretch:

B warmup:

50 partner pullovers

3 rounds of

10 goblet squats

10 one arm swings, eye level, each arm

10 push ups

Workout warmup:


Warmup to 60% then do:

5@75%, 3@85%, 1+(max set)@95%, 6@95%


3 rounds

30 DU's

10 Jerks,(no racks) split or push 135/95, RX+ 155/105

400 m run

O lift:

OH squat

On the 2 min interval:

3 OH Squats, start at 65% add weight as you can.


Pick a goat and work on it for 15 min.


Earlier Event: July 8
Saturday 7/8/2017
Later Event: July 11
Tuesday 7/11/2017