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Thursday 8/1/2019


500 m row or 400 m run


CS/Dynamic stretch

B warmup:

2 rounds of

10 air squats

10 push ups

10 V-ups

Workout Warmup:

Set up station and warmup movements.

Workout and Endurance:

Crossfit Golf

Objective is complete each movement in as few sets as possible.

Complete all reps before moving to next.

No more than 10 seconds rest between sets, no more than 30 seconds rest between movements.

Par for the course = 26

Buy-in: 500 meter Row

50 Empty BB Thrusters (Par 2) 45/35lb

50 Double Under (100 Single Under) (Par 3)

50 KBS (24/16kg) (Par 3)

50 Air Squats (Par 3)No more than 1 second rest between squats or it will count as a set.

50 Ring Rows (Par 3) Feet under bar for RX

50 Slam Balls (Par 2) 30/20lb

50 Toes to Bar (Par 4)

50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) (Par 4)

50 Sit-ups (Par 2) palms on the ground

Scoring: Points

Lift and skill:

Make up a lift and skill you missed this week

Earlier Event: July 31
Wednesday 7/31/2019
Later Event: August 2
Friday 8/2/2019