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Saturday 8/11/2018


500 m row or 400 m run


CS/dynamic stretch

B warmup:

coaches choice

Workout warmup:

Set up workout stations and do 5-10 reps of TTB/WB and practice box bush burpees


Partner workout (two parts)

For time:
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
25 ttb
40 Wall Balls
20 ttb
30 Wall Balls
15 ttb
20 Wall Balls
10 ttb
10 Wall Balls

Partition reps as necessary


Box jump push 20 meters, 10 Burpee box overs 24/20
Row for meters

On outside turf

one partner will push a box jump 20 m. (line to line) then do 10 burpee box overs, then push box back to starting position

Other partner will row for max meters, do not reset rower.

Alternate these movements with partner for 3 rounds.

box jump push 20 meters

Three scores, time to complete WB and T2B, total time, and meters on row. 

Coach please record these times and meters rowed for me


Earlier Event: August 10
Friday 8/10/2018
Later Event: August 12
Sunday Funday 8/12/2018